Entries by Ranik

What’s New In WordPress 5.7

WordPress 5.7 is scheduled to be released on March 9th, 2021. This will be WordPress’s first major release for 2021. The new version will introduce some new features and improvements. Editor Improvements in WordPress 5.7 Drag and Drop Blocks from Inserter Full-height Blocks Block Variations Descriptions Social Icon Sizes Improved Buttons Adjust Font Size in […]

5 WooCommerce Alternatives That You Should Consider

If you visit WordPress ecommerce website, most likely it is using WooCommerce.  WooCommerce is by far the most popular ecommerce solution for WordPress sites.  But that doesn’t mean that it’s the only game in town.  There are numerous reasons why someone chooses not to use WooCommerce.  If an alternate to WooCommerce is the best option, […]

WordPress Roles and Capabilities

Wordress has six built in roles that come with preset abilities.  If you have a website that has multiple users and you want to be able to assign different levels of capabilities, then you can use the six roles.  The predefined roles are super admin, administrator, editor, author, contributor, Summary of Roles Super Admin somebody […]